DBR's Youtube channel



V-necks were made up of Pat Gunning, Daz Smith, Paul Earth and JP Braddock, most of which appear elesewhere on this site in other bands. They played several gigs including the infamous Mean Fiddler gig (photo left). They made several recordings of which some are now available for download at Bandcamp.

Electric Baths formed out of the ashes of The General and Duchess Collins and Haiku:My:iq in early 2008. Simon recorded an album in between touring as guitarist for Petra Jean Phillipson in an attic overlooking the city surrounded by guitars, old keyboards and microphones.

Electric Baths is one man and a loop pedal and the noise he makes is amazing. At times beautiful, melancholic and trippy Simon Ritchie makes a big noise. His voice sits perfectly over the top of the guitar and harmonies and all my favourite songs from the album including ‘Atoms and Muscles’ were there on display. Another great example of the wealth of talent hidden in this city. ‘I have never seen anything like that’ said one girl on the way out, well I hope we see much more in the future.
..."It is clear from the opening track of the album that we are dealing with yet another fine example of the wealth of talent to be found on the Nottingham music scene. Both the band and their label (HAIKUMYIQ RECORDS) deal in original and innovative music, as is evident throughout this release. The album states its intention with opening track 'Western Daughter', a psychedelic folk song with haunting vocals. Everything is well arranged, with intelligent overdubs that serve only to complement not smother the strong writing and performances. 'Atoms and Muscles' combines a beautiful vocal melody with ever building electric guitar, intertwining around each other in a style reminiscent of John Frusciante's solo work. This is a mature and intelligently produced effort that is worthy of multiple listens. Another success for Notts!" Left Lion review.

The CD is available in the shop or by clicking the cover to the left.

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