DBR's Youtube channel


"Tortured rocknroll genius Daz Smith and his gang of itinerant partners." (that's what he told me...). This is the result of months of labour with different line-ups and working practices. Current comrades are drummer Psi Williams, steeped in Bonham and Mitchell, and bassist ultra-hippy Fez. This lot make a twist of hooligan rocknroll and campfire blues. In the true spirit of DIY, this is all done by them; the writing, performing, recording, video making, brewing tea, taking the bins out, admin, selling, webtoss, and everything else I can't think of right now.

Recent months have seen the bedding in of new bassist Fez, and tons of new stuff being rehearsed and recorded. Several live outings have shown what awesome live raucous loud rocknroll bluespunk bastards they are.

The misery blues CD is available here and on the shop page.

There is a 10 inch vinyl release planned for the spring / summer of 2015 featuring much of the new material.

Misery Blues EP is also available for download at Bandcamp

Check out 2 of the videos from the Dirty Lies EP. Both are on the Deadly Beefburger Youtube channel, along with loads of live stuff and other videos from people on the label.

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